4Chad uses REST API based on JSON, the 4Chad main site will be a static webpage using AJAX.
You can use Postman or Insomnia to try them out. Postman not recommended, requires registration and is turning into SaaS.
I’m not a certified security guy, I’m self-taught, so if you find any exploits, please DM me, thanks.
I will be making a video tutorial also, watch here
Checkout architecture first to understand how 4Chad works
Fragment | Domain |
LuaChad | test-api.4chad.org |
Content upload | chad-test.herokuapp.com |
Content get | content.4chad.org |
Captcha validation | chad-test.herokuapp.com |
Authentication server | janny only |
Only SSL/TLS connection allowed
If you’re just a consumer, “im gonna, im gonna, consOOOOOOOOOOOOOM i’m con SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOming ahhh”! Then just try this to have a taste: show all posts json